
New Season, New Gig, New Goals.

posted by Logan Anderson August 22, 2016 0 comments

Every year on New Year’s Day, people across the country make resolutions of things they want to achieve over the next 365 days. Unless you’re a baseball broadcaster, the fall is more or less the start of the new sportscasting year. That is why — after an eleven day vacation followed by the craziness of county fair week — (only Midwesterners will truly understand), it’s time to set goals for my upcoming season on both a professional and personal basis. For the purpose of holding myself accountable, I’m posting them publicly here.

Professional Goals:

*First and foremost, I need to remain dedicated to improving my craft. That means continuing to diligently follow the blueprint.

*Specifically, I want to increase the energy in my broadcasts and continue to work toward eliminating shortened words (Nothin’, Gonna, etc.) in my calls.

*Covering Presentation College, I had an excellent rapport with the coaches and players. It has to be a top priority to build similarly strong relationships with coaches and players at my new job.

*In Aberdeen, I built relationships with the owners of the businesses on my sales list. In my new position I’m taking over an established list and it will be of paramount importance to get the same familiarity quickly with my new clients.

*Continue to build relationships with broadcasters all over the country. Just as importantly, I’ll need to continue to strengthen existing relationships.

*Continue to expand and potentially begin to monetize (donations accepted).

Personal Goals:

*Don’t pull all of my hair out due to wedding planning.

*Get acclimated to and involved in my new community.

*Develop healthier lifestyle habits and get into better shape.

*I am so driven and focused on what’s next and improving that I don’t do a good job of enjoying success or appreciating the little things. I need to do better with this.

*I’ll be less than three hours away from my hometown in Nebraska. I’ve sacrificed spending time with my old friends and family over the last five years and now I have the chance to rectify that.


What are your goals for broadcasting New Year? Please share in the comments section.


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