
Sportscasting Perks

posted by Logan Anderson November 7, 2018 4 Comments

I spend a lot of time and energy trying to overcome the challenges and difficulties of pursuing a play-by-play career, and there are plenty of them. On the other hand, there are many great perks to the job. Here are a few of my personal favorite perks to being a sportscaster.

Getting Paid To Watch Games: The most obvious perk is the fact that we actually get paid to watch games. It may not be much, but many of us would be watching sports anyway, and every time I get a paycheck for covering a game, I can’t help but smile. After all, I love it so much, I’d probably do it for free if I had to.

Travel: Sportscasters spend countless hours on busses and airplanes, many times making our way to call games in small towns in the middle of nowhere. On the other hand, sometimes we get to go to some really cool places! I’ve personally covered games in Las Vegas, San Francisco, Chicago and Denver. I’m there on business, but I definitely take every opportunity to explore the cities while I’m there. I’ve also had the pleasure to visit some hidden gem small-college towns. Helena, Montana and Whitewater, Wisconsin stand out in that regard.

Free Tickets: I’ve attended numerous concerts, pro and college sports games, and many banquets/dinners at no charge. Relationships with teams and concert promoters can really pay off in entertaining ways!

Local Notoriety: It’s always cool to be recognized by who appreciate your work in public. Whether it’s a grandma in the grocery store or, my personal favorite, having your voice recognized at the drive-thru. Enjoying this perk too much can be a negative if you let it go to your head, but in small doses it can be extremely gratifying.

Relationships: I’ve made countless lifelong friendships with coaches, players, and others I’ve crossed paths with. Two coaches I covered were actually in my wedding party! I may fail to reach my goals in sportscasting, but the friendships I’ve made on my journey will be a positive enduring legacy.

What is the coolest perk you’ve experienced? Share your favorites in the comment section below.


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Brian Sweeney November 7, 2018 at 10:16 pm

I have had coaches invite me to end of year banquets and received some great gifts including a Wheaties box with my picture on it.

Logan Anderson November 7, 2018 at 10:18 pm

So true Brian! I’ve been to many similar excursions. The Christmas parties hosted by the former Presentation College football coach were legendary!

Mark McDowell November 8, 2018 at 3:52 am

It was a real kick in the n… after I left the business and actually had to pay to get in?

Logan Anderson November 8, 2018 at 4:03 am

What a travesty!


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